sábado, 13 de marzo de 2010



El 25 de diciembre de 1954 abría en Lucena el Palacio Erisana, un coliseo llamado a protagonizar la vida social y cultural de la localidad. En el lugar que hoy ocupa el Erisana, en la Plaza Nueva, hubo un molino de aceite .

El Palacio Erisana fue construido por Daniel León y cedido en arrendamiento al empresario cordobés Antonio Cabrera.

Desde entonces se ofrecieron algunos de los espectáculos más importantes que recorrieron la geografía andaluza, en unos tiempos en que la tele no tenía tanta influencia como hoy.

El primer espectáculo ofrecido en el Palacio Erisana fue la obra Salero de España.

Todos los grandes artistas de cada década de la canción han actuado en el escenario del Erisana como Manolo Escobar, Isabel Pantoja o Antonio Molina.

Además, el Erisana acogió espectáculos folclóricos como los de La Niña de la Puebla o Emilio el Moro y obras de teatro que hicieron furor en su día, como Anillos para una dama o Sé infiel y no mires con quien.

Sin embargo, en la historia del Palacio Erisana ha habido luces y sombras como el 28 de enero de 1985, cuando este recinto fue cerrado por el Ayuntamiento ante la falta de higiene y seguridad. Fueron casi nueve años de cierre hasta que en 1994 el Ayuntamiento compró el edificio y se hizo con la gestión, realizándose una completa remodelación del mismo. Afortunadamente,el Palacio Erisana sigue siendo epicentro de la vida cultural de Lucena.

Actualmente acoge el teatro de la ciudad y en sus instalaciones está situada la escuela de teatro Duque de Rivas.


On December 25, 1954 it was opening in Lucena the Palace Erisana, a coliseum called to lead the social and cultural life of the locality. In the place that today the Erisana occupies, in the New Plaza, there was a mill of oil.

The Palace Erisana was constructed by Daniel León and yielded in lease the businessman native of Cordoba Antonio Cabrera.

Since then there offered some of the most important spectacles that crossed the Andalusian geography, in a few times in which the TV did not have so many influence as today.

The first spectacle offered in the Palace Erisana was the work Saltcellar of Spain.

All the big artists of every decade of the song have acted in the scene of the Erisana as Manolo Escobar, Isabel Pantoja or Antonio Molina.

In addition, the Erisana received spectacles as those of The Girl of It her Populates or Emilio the Moor and plays that did rage in his day, as Rings for a lady or Be an unfaithful person and do not look with whom.

Nevertheless, in the history of the Palace Erisana there have been lights and shades as January 28, 1985, when this enclosure was closed by the Town hall before the lack of hygiene and safety. They were almost nine years of closing until in 1994 the Town hall bought the building and was done by the management, a complete remodeling of the same one being realized. Lucky, the Palace Erisana continues being an epicentre of Lucena's cultural life.

Nowadays it receives the theatre of the city and in his facilities Duque de Rivas is placed the school of theatre.

viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010



Desde aquí te invitamos a que apuestes por un ocio diferente, disfrutando de nuestro clima, de nuestros paisajes y, cómo no, de nuestra gente…

Y qué mejor forma que al aire libre, con comida y con una buena compañía.

Si eres una persona familiar, amante de la naturaleza y del descanso, sin lugar a duda, esto es para ti.


From here we invite you on that you bet for a different leisure, enjoying our climate, our landscapes and, how not, of our people…

And what better form that outdoors, with food and with a good company.

If you are a family person, lover of the nature and of the rest, without place to doubt, this is for you.

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010



Feria de San Francisco

Se trata de la también conocida como "Feria de los novios".

Desarrollada cada año durante la primera quincena de agosto. Durante estas fiestas podremos disfrutar de todo un abanico de actividades, concursos de sevillanas, conciertos, etc. que tendrán una doble ubicación, puesto que habrá verbena en el barrio de San Francisco y también Feria en el recinto ferial.

Programa Feria San Francisco 2009

Actuaciones musicales, espectáculos infantiles, además de actos religiosos conforman el programa de la verbena y la feria en honor a San Francisco, que se celebra desde el miércoles 29 de julio y hasta el 2 de agosto próximo. Los festejos darán comienzo mañana en la Plaza Cristo de la Sangre, donde se instalará un castillo hinchable para los más pequeños y se celebrarán en la tarde del miércoles concursos de carreras, sacos, bicicletas y otras actividades infantiles en colaboración con la Cofradía Franciscana de Pasión.

A las 22.00 horas tendrá lugar el encendido del alumbrado extraordinario en el Barrio, que dará paso a un concierto de la Sociedad Didáctico-Musical Banda de Música de Lucena y la I Cata de jamón ibérico Ciudad de Lucena, que permitirá la degustación de este producto de forma gratuita por gentileza del Mesón El Quijote.

A partir de las 23.30 horas tendrá lugar la actuación de Marisol Delgado. Las sevillanas tomarán el testigo a la copla el jueves día 30. Hasta el mismo jueves (de 9.00 a 14.00 horas en el Ayuntamiento o entre las 21.30 y las 22.00 horas en la propia Plaza Cristo de la Sangre) podrán inscribirse las parejas que deseen concursar en la séptima edición del Concurso Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles, que entregará distintos premios en las categorías de infantil y adulto, así como un premio especial del jurado. A continuación tendrá lugar la actuación de la orquesta Almadraba.

El viernes, los actores Pepelu y Antonio Llamas pondrán en escena, también en la Plaza Cristo de la Sangre a partir de las 21.00 horas, el espectáculo Los Trotacuentos. A continuación un pasacalles de la Banda de Música de Lucena trasladará las fiestas hasta el recinto ferial, donde se encenderá el alumbrado a las 22.30 horas.

La orquesta Nueva Generación inaugurará las actuaciones de la Caseta Municipal a partir de las 23.00 horas. El sábado 1 de agosto serán la orquesta Voz Populi y la cantante malagueña de copla Alicia Fernández quienes animarán la Caseta Municipal, que volverá a contar con la actuación de Voz Populi el domingo día 2.

Un espectáculo de fuegos artificiales cerrará el programa el día 2 pasada la medianoche. El programa se completa con los actos religiosos que se desarrollarán a lo largo de todos los días en la Iglesia Madre de Dios.

La concejal de Fiestas, María del Carmen Aguilera ha destacado la reducción del presupuesto municipal destinado a la elaboración de este programa que se ha llevado a cabo tratando de no restar esplendor a las fiestas, cifrándolo en 13.000 euros, y ha agradecido a Concepción Barea la cesión de la imagen empleada como cartel anunciador de la Feria, que trata de dar a conocer la Lucena de hace unos años y poner de relieve las raíces y la tradición de estas fiestas.


Give as a gift of St. Francis

It has to do with the also acquaintance like Fair of the bridegrooms.

Developed every year during the first fifteen days of August. We will be able to enjoy all of a fan of activities, contests during these parties of Sevillian, concerts, etc that will have a double position, since open-air festival at San Francisco's neighborhood will have and also You Give fairground as a gift at the enclosure marked off by definite limits.

The St. Francis Programs Fair 2009

Musical actings, infantile spectacles, in addition to religious acts conform the program of the open-air festival and the fair in honor to San Francisco, that July 29 is celebrated from Wednesday and to the next August 2. The festivities will begin tomorrow in blood's Plaza Cristo, where an inflatable castle will be installed stops the smallest and they will celebrate in the afternoon of Wednesday racing contests, bags, bicycles and another infantile activities in association with Pasión's Cofradía Franciscana.

The place will have the ignition of the extraordinary illumination at the Neighborhood to the 22,00 hours, that step will open into a concert of the Didactic Musical Society Sound Track of Lucena and the I Tastes of Iberian ham Lucena's City, that it will enable the tasting of this product for free for by courtesy of the Inn The Quixote.

Marisol Delgado's acting will take place as from the 23,30 hours. The Sevillian will take the control to the ballad on Thursday day 30. The couples that wish to compete in the seventh edition of the Concurso Our Lady Señora of the angels, that he will give up ( of 9,00 to 14,00 hours at the Town Council or between the 21,30 and the 22,00 hours in blood's own Plaza Cristo ) will even be able to register the same Thursday themselves several rewards in the categories of infantile and adult, as well as the jury's especial reward. From now on orchestra's acting will take place Almadraba.

On Friday, the actors Pepelu and Antonio Llamas will put scene on the stage, also in the Plaza Cristo of the blood as from the 21,00 hours, the spectacle The Trotacuentos. From now on one passacaglias of Lucena's Sound Track you will transfer the parties to the enclosure marked off by definite limits fairground, where the illumination to the 22,30 hours will take fire .

The new orchestra Generación will inaugurate the actings of the Municipal Booth as from the 23,00 hours. On Saturday August 1 Voz Populi and the singer of Málaga of ballad will be the orchestra Alicia Fernández that they will animate the Municipal Booth, that you will go back to count on Voz Populi's acting on Sunday day 2.

A spectacle of fireworks will close the program the day 2 once the midnight was passed. The program is completed with the religious acts that will develop to I deliver it of all the days in God's Iglesia Madre.

The town councillor of Fiestas, María of the Villa Aguilera has highlighted the reduction of the municipal budget once the elaboration was destined of this program that has taken effect trying from not subtracting splendor to the parties, writing it in code in 13,000 euros, and has thanked the cession of the image used like advertising poster of the fair to Concepción Barea, that you try to tell someone to know the Lucena of some years ago and highlighting roots and the tradition of these parties.

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010

Hong Kong

El restaurante chino Hong Kong se encuentra en la Ronda de San Francisco número 22 .
Si te gusta la cocina oriental, HONG KONG te sorprenderá. Básicamente es un restaurante con comida oriental, orientado a la cocina china. En el restaurante Hong Kong podrás disfrutar de los mejores y más variados platos de la cocina china de calidad en un ambiente confortable y atractivo. Hong Kong es un restaurante especializado en comida china que combina a la perfección los sabores de la cocina tradicional oriental con las últimas tendencias del mercado.
Su aparcamiento suele ser escaso debido a la disposición del local.
Esta abierto todos los días de 12:00 a 16:30 y de 20:00 a 00:00 .
El precio medio es de unos 12,00 € y el menú del día es de 8,00 € .

Hong Kong Chinese restaurant located on the Ronda de San Francisco No. 22.
If you like Oriental food, HONG KONG will surprise you. Basically it's a restaurant with Oriental food, Chinese cuisine oriented. In the Hong Kong restaurant you can enjoy the best and most varied Chinese cuisine quality in a comfortable and attractive. Hong Kong is a Chinese specialty restaurant that blends together the flavors of traditional oriental cuisine with the latest market trends.
Their parking is often scarce due to the arrangement of the room. It is open daily from 12:00 to 16:30 and 20:00 to 00:00. The average price is about € 12.00 a day and the menu is 8.00 €.

Menu Restaurante Hong Kong - CARTA.

Ver mapa más grande

Como llegar al hotel prestige

domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010

Feria en honor a la Virgen del Valle




(Handling of obstacles in carriages).

Venue: Exhibition grounds.

Time: 19.00 hours.

Organizers: Equestrian Society Lucentino "The Cabal".

Collaboration: Delegation of Holidays.

Equestrian show "Art and Race," Cordoba Horsemanship.

Place: Plaza de Toros.

Time: 21.00 hours.

Organizers: Equestrian Society Lucentino "The Cabal".


(All attractions will cost € 1.50)


Throughout the exhibition, from 9 to 12 September, we will run from the Delegation of

Holidays with two trains and a bus tour that will bring organic to the population of completely free of charge to the fairground.
These trains will have different stops and their schedule will be 14 to 23:30. The stops are:
-Plaza del Coso.

San Juan de Dios (bus stop at the Bridge of San Juan).

-Avenida de Santa Teresa (next to Health Center Lucena II).
"Portico of the Real de la Feria.

Churros and Chocolate Invitation to the elderly, donated entirely by Churrería CHOCOLATES "VIRGEN DE ARACELI"

Located in the Exhibition center, beside the Red Cross Building and Civil Protection (DNI presenting withdrawal voucher in the Municipal Social Services Center, located at C / La Vendimia, 2, from September 1st).

(First official day of fair)

At 2230 hours,

OFFICIAL OPENING OF LIGHTING the fairgrounds, with Tracas Salute and heralding the beginning of the Feria del Valle.

Then, in the dugout MUNICIPAL, at 2245 hours, HE OFFICIAL RECEPTION.
The people of Lucena City Council and actively involved in organizing and developing the Valley Fair.
Delivery of Award-winner of the poster for the Feria del Valle, 2009.

-Presentation of Prizes of the various competitions and Sports Activities organized by the Municipal Sports during the 2008-2009 season.

Then Kennels official tour of the permanent and the area of dance and food booths.

At 2300 hours, in the area of booths, "YOUTH CONCERT PROMISES LUCENA, with the participation of:

Suite 210



Throughout the exhibition there will be cultural activities and championships Break Dance, with music and animation.

Place: Entrance to the new fair.

Organizers: Association of Urban Culture "ASLUCUR.

Sponsor: Office of Culture and Festivals.

From 2330 hours on the Performance of Municipal Caseta "IBERIS ORCHESTRA.

Churros and Chocolate Invitation to the elderly, donated entirely by Churrería CHOCOLATES "VIRGEN DE ARACELI", located in the Exhibition center, beside the Red Cross Building and Civil Protection (Withdrawn introducing voucher ID in the Municipal Center for Social Services , located at C / La Vendimia, 2, and from September 1st).

(Second official day of fair)

FAIR DAY in the fairground from 14.00.

Programs directly from FM Radio Lucena Day Zone Fairground.

From 1400 hours until 1900 hours.

"VI Walk Down
& Horses Los Cabales 2009"
Organizers: Equestrian Society Lucentino "The Cabal".

Collaboration: Delegation of Holidays.

Venue: Headquarters of the Society at the Plaza de Toros de Lucena.

Stop at Plaza de Toros de Lucena.

Itinerary: Departure from Plaza de Toros, C / Los carnations to the Galleon, with step by Royal Fair entrance to the porch, C / oil, left side of the new exhibition center, and back to Plaza de Toros.

STAND IN MUNICIPAL, 16.00 pm Performance by the "TRAP ORCHESTRA"

STAND IN MUNICIPAL, at 2230 hours, the Orchestra "FLIGHT CHARTER opening night performances.

At twelve o'clock at night, "COPLA SHOW WITH ALICIA FERNANDEZ"

At its conclusion CHARTER FLIGHT ORCHESTRA will continue throughout the evening.

(Third official day of fair)

From 0800 hours until 1800 hours LIVESTOCK FAIR V "NTRA.
Location: C / oil, former location of the ship ropes.

Organizers: Delegation of Holidays.

Collaboration: Delegation of Agriculture and Ventura Valcárcel.

FAIR DAY in the fairground from 14.00.

From 1400 hours until 1900 hours, "VI Walk Down
& Horses Los Cabales 2009"
Organizers: Equestrian Society Lucentino "The Cabal".

Collaboration: Delegation of Holidays.

Venue: Headquarters of the Society at the Plaza de Toros de Lucena.

At 16.00 pm in the Municipal Caseta Performance of "ORCHESTRA BESANA"

At 19:00 pm.

In the arena of The Great Run of Rejones Donceles with Castilblanco bulls,

rejoneadores for:

Fermin Borhórquez

Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza

Diego Ventura


STAND IN MUNICIPAL, at 22.30 pm Performance of "Alborada ORCHESTRA"

and twelve at night, "ONE DAY WITH COPLA" with performances by stars of the "Se llama Copla"

Almudena Prada

Antonia Gomez

Almudena Domínguez

King Álvaro

At its conclusion, the orchestra will continue ALBORADA enjoyment.

(Fourth official day of fair)

From 0800 hours until 1800 hours LIVESTOCK FAIR V "NTRA.
Location: C / oil, former location of the ship ropes.

Organizers: Delegation of Holidays.

Collaboration: Delegation of Agriculture and Ventura Valcárcel.

FAIR DAY in the fairground from 14.00.

From 1400 hours until 1900 hours, "VI Walk Down
& Horses Los Cabales 2009"
Organizers: Equestrian Society Lucentino "The Cabal".

Collaboration: Delegation of Holidays.

Venue: Headquarters of the Society at the Plaza de Toros de Lucena.

At 17:00 hours will take place awards in that place.

The award categories are:

-Best horse.

"Better Amazon.

"Better hitch.

-Best young rider.

"Best Couple at the croup.

At 15.30 pm in the Municipal Caseta Delivery of the prizes to the best Kennels Valley Fair 2009 in both categories, food booths and booths of Dance.
These awards will consist of two separate weekends for two in the Costa del Sol or rural housing, donated by Aqua-south.

At 16.00 pm in the Municipal Caseta Celebration III Sevillanas Dance Competition "Our Lady of the Valley", livened up by the orchestra "Massay" with the following categories and prizes:

a) Category Children up to 13 years:

-First prize, 100 € and Trophy.

-Second Prize, 50 € and Trophy.

b) Youth Class, 14 to 20 years:

-First prize, 150 € and Trophy.

-Second Prize, 100 € and Trophy.

c) Category Adult from 21 years:

-First prize, 200 € and Trophy.

-Second Prize, 150 € and Trophy.

It also establishes a special prize to the couple over 40 years at the discretion of the jury by its special highlight performance.
The prize will consist of trophy and an end
week for two persons on the Costa del Sol or a rustic cottage, donated by Aqua-south ".

At 1900 hours in the arena of The Great Bullfight Donceles the prestigious livestock

Salvador Domecq, for the murderers

Finito de Córdoba

Rivera Ordóñez

Alejandro Talavante

STAND IN MUNICIPAL, at 22.30 pm Performance of "Alborada ORCHESTRA"

At half past twelve at night, GRAN FINAL DEL VALLE FAIR 2009 with fireworks.



To be held, DM, during the 4th, 5th and 6th September in the Parish of Sto.
Dominic, beginning at 20:00 H. To pray the Rosary, then Mass with homily by the parish priest of Sto. Sunday.

On Sunday 6 September and for the glory of the Blessed Virgin is
the solemnity RELIGIOUS ROLE
Beginning at 12:00 H.
With Reza's Holy Rosary, to proceed with the Eucharist and homily by the parish priest of Sto. Sunday.

That same afternoon will begin
levee GODLY
In which the Holy Image will be exposed to the veneration of the faithful from 17:00 until 22:00 H.

There will be a
Solemn Eucharist to commemorate his feast day and his Nativity, which will be held on 8 H. at 20:30, after I pray the Holy Rosary.

To end the acts in honor of the Blessed Virgin, Cebebridades
a solemn procession of the blessed image through the streets of Lucena, which will be held Saturday September 12th at 21:30 H, and will run on the following schedule: Pasaje Cristo de la Sangre,
Warden Street, Calle Julio Romero de Torres (Towers), Cuesta del Reloj, Plaza Nueva (both sides), Calle Julio Romero de Torres (Towers), Calle San Pedro, Calle El Agua, Calle Navas, Cured Street, Street Weight, Calle Alonso Martín, Calle Serrano Abad (the Aurora), Calle Cabrillana return to his temple.



Sunday, September 6th:
ROUTE XV MTB "Lucena City.

Departure: Indoor Pools Lucena.

Time: 9:00 pm.

Organizers: The Mountain Bike Club Relang.


(1 kilo of food for caritas)

Location: Avenida Miguel Valdivia Basin.
(days 9, 10 and 11 September).
Organizers: Club Basket Limpialuc

Registration: www.basketlucena.com and the tent at the fair.

Wednesday, September 9th:

CF Lucena - Córdoba CF (2nd National Division)

Venue: Ciudad Deportiva.

Time: 21.00 hours.

Organizers: Lucena CF

Saturday, September 12th:

Held Biosaludable Park (Next to the Children's Traffic Park).

Time: 9:00 Hours

Organizers: Mary Petanque Club de Araceli.



Venue: Ciudad Deportiva

Organized by: AD.
Time: 18.00 hours.

Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 September:
Futsal VI Memorial Trophy for Sportsmanship "Tomas Molina.

Venue: Sports Hall

Time: Saturday 16:00 and Sunday 9:00 am

Organizers: PDM.

29 and 30 September - 1 and 2 October:

Venue: Hotel Prestige

Time: 10:00 hours

Organizers: Ruy Lopez Chess Club.

3 and 4 October:
XVII International Chess Tournament Ciudad de Lucena.

Venue: Hotel Prestige.

Time: 10:00 hours

Organiza: Club de Ajedrez Ruy Lopez.

Sunday, October 11:

Venue: Sports Pavilion.

Time: 9:00 Hours

Organizers: They look Badminton Club